Title: The Liberator
Series: Dante Walker (Book 2)
Author: Victoria Scott
Published: August 27, 2013
Pages: 352 pages
Format: eBook
Source: Purchased
Purchase: Amazon
Summary (Goodreads):
Bad boy, meet bad girl.
Dante has a shiny new cuff wrapped around his ankle, and he doesn’t like that mess one bit. His new accessory comes straight from Big Guy himself and marks the former demon as a liberator. Despite his gritty past and bad boy ways, Dante Walker has been granted a second chance.
When Dante is given his first mission as a liberator to save the soul of seventeen-year-old Aspen, he knows he’s got this. But Aspen reminds him of the rebellious life he used to live and is making it difficult to resist sinful temptations. Though Dante is committed to living clean for his girlfriend Charlie, this dude’s been a playboy for far too long…and old demons die hard.
With Charlie becoming the girl she was never able to be pre-makeover and Aspen showing him how delicious it feels to embrace his inner beast, Dante will have to go somewhere he never thought he’d return to in order to accomplish the impossible: save the girl he’s been assigned to, and keep the girl he loves.
Oh, my beating heart! The Liberator was a phenomenal sequel to The Collector and I’m deeper in love with Dante Walker. He’s just too cool, TOO GREAT. The story and where it is heading is also amazing. I loved the new characters, the new settings, and the never-ending humor.
The great thing about this sequel is that Dante is still a bad boy. Yes, he’s very much in love and now an overprotective fool, but he’s still the same old arrogant and too-full-of-himself little demon I fell in love with in the first book. It’s an absolute joy to have access to his thoughts and I really can’t remember the last time I had this much fun with a character. Even without the romance (though I dig that a lot too) he could still rock this series by going solo. And, he’d be single *wink wink*.
When I read the blurb for The Liberator, I have to admit that I did worry a bit. It sort of hints on a possible love-triangle and I didn’t like the sound of that. I love Charlie & Dante together, so I really did not want anything getting between them. Thankfully, the book doesn’t go that way, instead it creates a brother/sister type of relationship between Dante and the new bad girl, Aspen.
Aspen was a lovely addition to the already awesome cast of characters. She’s rebellious and carrying her own demons, but not really a bad girl. She has a good heart and she’s fiercely protective of her little sister. There’s more to her than meets the eye and I’m excited to learn more about her part in the oncoming war between Heaven and Hell, as well as her role with Dante and Charlie.
But it always comes down to Dante. This guy blew me away once again with his awesomeness and I’m very excited to read the final *sob* installment in the Dante Walker novels. I’m excited to see how this bad boy helps Charlie save the world while kicking some serious demon and collector butts. And of course, I’m looking forward to reading more about him and Charlie as a couple drowning in a lake of feels.
Seriously people, you have to pick up these books. It has everything you could ever wish for in a book: humor, great plot, and amazing characters!
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