I hope you all have survived April Fools Day without any mishaps! Here are the March 2015 #k8approved books and reviews plus a new giveaway. Are you looking for new books? Get one (or a bunch!) free at Readers for Cats Fundraiser with your donation. Help animals, get books, win, win. Happy reading!
Those Four Letter Words (Four Letters 0.5) by Christina Channelle
Source: Gift from the author
Purchase: Amazon
I really enjoyed this short story. Jade (the main character) is a tough cookie and I can see how she might get on the nerves of some readers, but for me it worked. Her “me vs. the world” outlook and tough girl persona didn’t seem forced. Jade was something different from what I’ve seen lately in books and it really worked. Plus this short story is filled with twists, if you think a lot can’t happen in a short story, then you haven’t read Those Four Letter Words. And Reed…well let’s just say he makes the book boyfriend list ;).
Going Places by Peter H. Reynolds, Paul A. Reynolds
Source: Purchased
Purchase: Amazon
Going Places is a story for the creative at heart. This picture book encourages out-of-the-box thinking, the thinking that leads to the greatest inventions and adventures. Unlike the previous work I’ve read illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds, the illustrations in Going Places are rendered digitally which gives this book a bolder feel. This book has an important message for readers of all ages. How many times do we question how things are and have always been? “But who said it had to be a go-cart?” sums up this theme. Inspiring, diverse, and bold Going Places is a must for picture book lovers.
And don’t forget you can get a book (or a bunch!) free at Readers for Cats Fundraiser with your donation!
“Going Places” sounds like a book that would be interesting to read with my young nephews–a book that would give each of us something to think about. I think this is my favorite review of the month; it has gone onto my “gift” list.
Aw, I’m glad to hear it Beth! Going Places is a fabulous picture book. I’m really a huge fan of Peter H. Reynolds’ work and having him team up with his twin Paul was fabulous.
Thanks for previewing and reviewing books for us. It is so helpful to have a reliable resource!
I’m happy to Connie! Thanks for checking out the reviews 🙂
I really like the sound of a Those Four Letter Words .
It was a great short story, I highly recommend it Irma 🙂
Thank you 🙂