Title: Soulless
Series: Death Warden (Book 1)
Author: Amber Garr
Published: August 23, 2014
Pages: 180 pages
Format: eBook
Source: NetGalley
Purchase: Amazon
Summary (Goodreads):
When it comes to death and love…only one is guaranteed.
Four decades ago Nora died. A tragic event for someone so young; however, four decades ago Nora was also given a second chance to walk among the living.
A Death Warden with a mysterious past, her job is to escort the newly expired towards the light, battling with the Soul Hunters who want the freshly dead to help with their own evil purposes buried in the dark.
When Nora’s charges suddenly become targets, she realizes that the hunters are after far more than just souls. A shift in power between good and evil threatens to change everything, risking the lives of the only family Nora has ever known.
Devastated and angry, she’s forced to face the man she once loved – a man who chose darkness over her – in order to find the answers she needs to stop the horror from escalating. Yet, while a lost relationship still haunts her broken heart, a new Warden with secrets of his own will enter the mix and quickly alter everything Nora believed to be true.
Death is unavoidable…but sometimes, so is love.
I tried extremely hard to like Soulless. I started reading it last year, and because we didn’t hit it off from the beginning, I put it down and decided to read it some other time in the hopes of being more in the mood for it. It didn’t work. Soulless and I just did not click with each other and I’m terribly disappointed about it.
Soulless starts off with Nora just doing her job of walking a newly dead guy towards the “light,” but then he is robbed from her by her ex-boyfriend Theron, who is now a soul hunter (a.k.a one of the “bad guys”). This is like the fifth time Theron steals a soul from her and it’s getting on her nerves, especially since the elders aren’t quite pleased with her about it. As she gets called to a meeting with them, she learns that she has been assigned to be an advisor to a new warden, Jason, who seems to be more than meets the eye and the target of the soul hunters.
The concept of this book was interesting and in a way, I’m still curious about it because I’ve always had a thing for good vs evil battles, but the storyline often dragged and it was a bit painful to keep reading since I was bored. It’s just that I couldn’t bring myself to care about the characters. Nora was an okay character, she has potential and she’s funny at times in a sarcastic way, but other than that, nothing extraordinary about her. The one guy I liked was Jason, who was interesting, funny, and charming. He was the only thing that kept me going yet it still wasn’t enough because I didn’t get enough of him.
My problem with Soulless is that some events that take place didn’t make any sense or weren’t intriguing enough. There were several things that in my opinion weren’t relevant to the storyline though maybe they will get explained later on in the next books.
There’s some action, a little bit of romance (that part I liked), but that’s just about it. Like I said before, I’m curious to see what happens next, specifically curious to know what happens to Jason, but, unfortunately, it’s not enough to make me want to pick up the sequel.
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