Inspired by this excellent post by Chris Brogan, I have decided to pick three focus words for 2017. If you are unfamiliar with the concept behind focus words, the idea is rather simple. Pick three words that will remind you of what you aim to accomplish in the year. It is suggested to pick three words, instead of one or more, so you can triangulate your focus. It is also suggested that you do not choice focus as one of your words because what are you focusing on? If this sounds interesting to you I highly recommend giving Chris’ post a read to help you pick your words (then don’t forget to come back here and let me know what words you picked!)
My three words are…
Since the end of 2016 things have been shifting and changing. I decided to close #K8chat and invest more time in finally launching my courses with Author Upscale Academy. This year I want to shake things up and go for my dreams! I’ve found a lot of authors are feeling the same. This is the year of doing, of being true to ourselves, and shaking everything up!
Over Christmas, while visiting my mother I watched a very sappy Christmas movie (as you do), in the movie, the main character is brought on as an assistant for a gentleman who loves to secretly help those around him. Now as sappy as the movie was seeing the impact of giving to others (from the homeless on the street to the local owner of their favorite restaurant) reminded me of how amazing it is to give. So this year I want to focus on giving to others from paying for someone’s groceries to helping out a friend in need.
As upbeat and generally optimistic as I am, I do struggle with a mild form of depression. In college, my therapist described this depression as a pretty even line of “okay” never down enough that suicide was considered but also never really happy or joyful. Everything was just okay, the good the bad and the in between. I’m pretty sure a majority of this comes from certain circumstances (college was rough for me because as well as I did in classes I was not inspired by the work and the financial aspect of it brought great stress). I have a bad habit of being a perfectionist and a workaholic which can blind me to the rut I can get in when so focused on a goal. Although I have taken strides over the years to set limits for myself, as I go into creating a new segment of the business I need a reminder to be kind to myself. To let myself have breaks and to love myself even when I am not perfect.
For 2018 I’m hoping my words will be UPSCALE, FREEDOM, and LOVE, but we’ll see. 😉
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